Roughly two thirds of the variance in math fluency was independent from untimed math measures and reading

28 juli 2015, 05:58 - Nathan

The authors examined whether math fluency was independent from untimed Nike Shox Women Uk math and from reading using 314 pairs of school-aged twins drawn from the Western Reserve Reading and Math Projects. Twins were assessed through a 90-min home visit at approximately age 10 and were reassessed in their homes approximately 1 year later. Results suggested that the shared environment and genetics influenced the covariance among math fluency, untimed nike high heels uk math measures, and reading measures.

However, roughly two thirds of the variance in math fluency was independent from untimed math measures and reading, including reading fluency. The majority of this independent variance was the result of genetic factors that Nike Cortez Nylon Sale were longitudinally stable across two measurement occasions. These results suggest that math fluency although related to other Nike Cortez Womens Black math measures, may also be a genetically distinct dimension of mathematics performance.